Ready for another list? Sure you are.
B-Sol of The Vault of Horror polled the so called "Cyber Horror Elite" and has come up with the Horror Literature Top 30. It's a fascinating compilation and you can see the entire list by CLICKING HERE.
For the record, I was asked to vote, and my top ten went as follows:
10:I Am Legend: Richard Matheson
9: Something Wicked This Way Comes: Ray Bradbury
8: Rosemary's Baby: Ira Levin
7: The Scream: John M Skipp and Craig Spector
6: The Stand: Stephen King
5: The House Next Door: Anne Rivers Siddons
4: Harvest Home: Thomas Tryon
3: The Exorcist: William Peter Blatty
2: Dracula: Bram Stoker
1:'Salem's Lot: Stephen King
Thanks for the mention, Pax! It certainly is provoking some debate, which after all, is the whole point :-)
Great list! I just read "The House Next Door" and I loved it. Nice to see Rosemary's Baby here too. -Unk
"Something Wicked This Way Comes"
Even when I just read the title it gives me the chills. Love it. And Bradbury was (is) one of the best american genre-writers ever lived.
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