
The Union of Independent Horror Bloggers

Inspired by THIS POST by B-Sol, as well as THIS POST at Zombo's Closet of Horrors, I have decided it's time to create The Union of Independent Horror Bloggers.

Want to join?  It's simple, there are no fees, and no salesman will call - but there are some rules:

  • You Will Never Agree to Post a Positive Review of a Film, or a Television Program, Solely Because you received a Screener / Advanced Copy or Passes to see a Screening of Said Film or Television Program.
  • You Will Not Post a Positive Review of a Book, Solely Because You Received an Advanced Review Copy of Said Book.
  • You Will Not Post a Positive Review of a Piece of Pre Recorded Music, Solely Because you Received a Free Copy/Listening Copy of Said Piece of Pre Recorded Music.
  • You Will Not Post a Positive Review of a Movie, Stage Play, Book, or Piece of Pre Recorded Music Based Solely on The Fact that Said Movie, Stage Play, Book or Piece of Pre Recorded Music was Created by a Friend/Relative/Husband/Wife/Partner/ or Someone You Are Generally Infatuated With.
  • You Will Not Accept One Thin Dime To Post a Positive Review - Ever!
Them's the rules, kids - and while we can't offer health insurance yet, being a member of the UIHB will let the world know that you can't be bought!  Remember, In Union There Is Strength!


BJ Colangelo said...


Pax Romano said...

Good Daughter, very good! You can be Norma Rae!

Jayson Kennedy said...

Sign me up! I tweaked the picture though, hopefully you don't mind Pax! Great idea!

the jaded viewer said...

I'm in as well! I've had my screeners dwindle into nothingness due to my honest reviews.

Proud to put this on my site.

Pax Romano said...

Spread the word, boys

senski said...

Pax, I see you as Sly Stallone in F.I.S.T., and yes, feel free to riff on that title at will...

Andre Dumas said...

I have joined! No more Mr. Nice Woman.

B-Sol said...

Great idea, Pax--I'm honored to have inspired it. Count me in.

Te* (Slasher Film Sanctuary) said...

I've never gotten a screener!!! I'm such a loser!! I guess I need to spend a few more years in blogger college. Anywho I am so in.

Te* (Slasher Film Sanctuary) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pax Romano said...

Te*, Don't worry, I'll send you a couple! ;)

B-Sol, glad you are on board with this.

Andre, Excellent!

Senski, Give me a few minutes and I'll come up with something.

Eviltwin said...

i know i am fresh at this, i would love to be on board!

Anonymous said...

Definitely in. Excellent idea Pax!

Rhonny Reaper said...

Joining NOW

Anonymous said...

I am honest to a fault most of the time. Consider me a proud Union member.

Matt-suzaka said...

I thought I left a comment already?! I probably didn't do it right, which happens when you're dumb.

I have the badge displayed proudly at the bottom of my page! I couldn't put it on my sidebar because it would've looked shitty all shrunken down, but it's there!

Prospero said...

Just added the the badge to my blog.

Elwood Jones said...

Finally someone has decided to make a stand. I'm so with you hombre!!

I Like Horror Movies said...

That being said, joining doesnt prevent us from posting a positive review of films we do receive a screener or advanced copy of if it is, in fact good, right? =D

Im all in, integrity > all!!1

Pax Romano said...

Carl, of course!

Christine Hadden said...

I'm also in, badge placed;)

Unknown said...

I totally meant to do this before and forgot, but I totally agree. I will put the badge on my blog pronto.

Joel Harley said...

Excellent stuff. I've plonked the badge on my blog too. Great idea :-)

cynsanity said...

In! Great idea.

Theron said...

I'm in as soon as my Director of All Things Ending In "-ology" can add this to Slammed & Damned. Awesome!

forestofthedead said...

I joined over a month ago. Thought you might wish to know. :)

oducerproducer said...

I'm down for it!

Dr Blood said...

I'm in too.

That Girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
That Girl said...

Theron Neel is a one man horror show. He is a chronic liar, manipulator, cheater, has abused his pet dog, cheated on his wife for the entire duration of their marriage, and is guilty of plagiarism. He emotionally preys on women he meets online and was e-friends with a 14 year old girl that included emails, texts, and exchanging pictures. Would you want a middle aged man having an "online friendship" with your younger sister or daughter? He lies about his marital status and availability and convinces them that he has genuine interest and feelings for them in an effort to gain favors. He creates an image of being a supporter of women in arts when in truth he treats many women like trash. http://theronsweboflies.wordpress.com/

Unknown said...

I'm totally in!! :)

Kweeny Todd said...

I'm in. :)

Bob Johns said...


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Akbar said...

I'm in. :)