For me, February always meant three things: Groundhog day, The celebration of when I met my significant other (14 years on 2/12/10), and my older sister's birthday. This year, it seems, I have to clear my calendar and make way for a slew of other important events.
In the Horror blogosphere, it seems that February is the month to celebrate the fairer sex's role in thriller films. Prepare to see many posts that breathlessly praise the works of such noted female thespians as Linnea Quigley, and Sheri Moon Zombie (or you could just CLICK HERE and see that Maxium might have beat us all to the punch). On the other hand, I am assuming that the usual suspects will be trotted out once again, women like Jamie Lee Curtis or Jamie's Mom, Janet Leigh (for her iconic stint in Psycho). Then again, you never know, maybe some will avoid the obvious (and I'm looking at you, BJ-C), and delve a bit deeper into the role of women in horror. Maybe some authors, or directors will get their due ... all we can do is wait and see, this should be fun, and possibly very informative.

Two prolific horror bloggers have recently posted their thoughts on the Bloody Disgusting Horror Blogger Award. For those of you not aware, yet another award is up for grabs and that's great. However according to Chuck over at Zombie's Don't Run and Johnny at Freddy in Space - trickery may be afoot. You see there is this other blog, that no one seems to really know anything about that's garnering more votes than other blogs. I wonder if Pia Zadora was involved (and for those of you too young to get that reference HERE'S YOUR HISTORY LESSON FOR THE DAY).
Happy Women and African Americans In Horror / Disgruntled Bloggers/ Stuffed Ballot Box - Month!
Finally, in some totally unrelated news, I am happy to announce that my contribution to Butcher Knives and Body Counts Essays on the Formula, Frights, and Fun of the Slasher Film has been accepted, just click on this link and if you know my real name, you'll see it listed ... if you don't know my real name, you'll just have to trust me on this one.