For those of you who are unaware, Dexter details the ongoing drama of one, Dexter Morgan (played by the ever shaggable , Michael C Hall) a crime-scene-blood-spatter-analyst for the Miami police department by day, and an avenging serial killer by night. Along for the ride are Dexter's co-workers, his step sister and his girl friend; none of whom have any idea that the somewhat detached young man can slice and dice a victim and still be on time to meet up with his bowling team ... oh sure, last season someone got close to blowing our boy's cover, but, well, Dexter took care of that problem.
This is a great show, and if you have not seen it, give it a look-see (I am pretty sure that the last two seasons are available via Netflix.
Of course, Sunday nights are also when HBO runs it's Southern Gothic-vampire-sex-drenched-soap opera, True Blood.
Besides being fast moving, well acted, and bloody good fun, True Blood never skimps on giving its viewers lots and lots of mostly nekid male flesh to gaze upon (God bless you, Alan Ball). And it seems that in every episode co-star, Ryan Kwanten is obliged to show up shirtless for at least one scene, and bare-assed for another. And if the sight of Kwanten' bod ain't enough, there are usually some hot male vamps and various others showing off their goods (oh and yes, there is some female nudity if that's what your into). I was especially fond of last weeks episode in which a male vampire kept a young hottie in denim shorts around as a sort of human juice box... (also, sharp eyed viewers last week caught an hysterical send up of Miss Jan Crouch as an added camp value bonus!).

I guess my DVR is going to get a hell of workout tonight, you see, besides these two shows, Mad Men and Californication are also on ... and I could not face the world if I missed my weekly dose of Don Drapper (Jon Hamm) and Hank Moody (my fave sex addict, David Duchovny).